CRM for nonprofit *programs*

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Hopefully some folks have some insight. I work at a nonprofit where we have several CRMs — one for donors (eTapestry), one specific to our Food Bank (literally called Food Bank Manager), and one for our therapy/psychology clinic (Simple Practice, totally separate from the others due to HIPAA). While the eventual dream is for us to have one system that integrates everything, we're just not anywhere close to for budget reasons right now.

I am in need of software to manage our general program participants. We need custom forms (for our intake form), "event" registration with payment integration (Square or Stripe) for paid programs (we have over 15), and ideally the automation that is missing from our all-manual process — like automatic email reminders to registered program participants of the next upcoming program, ability to send out email communication to active registered program participants of building closures, and can report on actual program attendance and later track outcomes. We need a user interface so that when a participant starts to register for a program, there is a check to see if they are already in our system (based on email or phone) before being asked to re-submit the basic demographic and address info we need. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/lexoh3
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