Community Drive Open Source CRM

User Review
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Over the past few weeks, I've been reviewing and testing several open-source CRM platforms, including SuiteCRM, Vtiger, Odoo, and EspoCRM. Based on my requirements and personal preference for the look and feel, I've found that I like Vtiger the most (which I have also used a few years back).

However, my biggest concern is that the Vtiger team appears to be holding back and almost hiding the Community Edition of Vtiger. Frankly, it seems likely that Vtiger will go fully commercial sooner or later. Their online support forum is almost deserted, and there's little effort to keep it active, which is unfortunate.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has come to a similar conclusion, and this is why many might avoid Vtiger or migrate to other platforms, as Vtiger's roadmap seems to have completely derailed.

Given this situation, is it time to consider forking Vtiger to revive its user base and community? This would, of course, depend on whether there is enough support from both the user base and developers, as this can't be a one-person effort. It's truly a pity that a platform initially driven by the community is becoming more closed-source with minimal updates.

submitted by /u/tchsrrctusr
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