CRM for a small team

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Hello everyone,

Thoughts on a good CRM for my small office? We have four people on the team. Forgive me if my questions are silly. I have never used a CRM, but everyone tells me we need one to be more productive.

Looking for a CRM that can do the following:

1) When customers fill out our contact form on my website the lead goes right into the CRM. Then I delegate which team member takes the lead.

2) I want everyone on the team to be able to see each other's work, as we often help each other out.

3) I'd like us all to see when first contact was made with a potential customer, if customer wants demos (we book stand up comedians), when customer acknowledged receiving the demo clips, and when they have decided to book or passed.

Right now my team and I just email back and forth and enter things in a Google calendar when booked. We get around 300 leads per month on our website and I'd like to manually enter call in leads (maybe 25 per month).

Thanks for your thoughts on this matter. I've started doing some initial looking around and may be interested in pipedrive, clickup, or Mondays.

submitted by /u/TheComedianCompany
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