CRM/Contact Management System/Relationship Management Software for Non Profit?

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Hi everyone.

The NGO i work at is looking to implement a contact/relationship management system that allows different departments to manage communications and relationships with key stakeholders. Currently, it isnt centralized and is being managed using tools like excel, emails, sharepoint, etc. For more context, processes such as inviting stakeholders to participate in activities; disseminating information and knowledge products; gathering valuable insights from them to help inform our strategic objectives.

I've been tasked with this role but i don't have any experience with this, rather just worked on delivering and driving adoption of a SALES CRM.

1) I'm trying to understand the outline of how to approach the delivery and management of these processes of this and any tips you might have to ensuring engagement and coordination.

2) Also trying to understand what really is the difference between a project management software like monday/asana/sharepoint and a CMS (eg: CiviCRM)

3) and the thought that’s been hanging around at the back of my mind is, sure we can identify teams, champions, deliver the CMS integrations, train and deploy – but the adoption is tricky because many of the senior team members will also need to be using the tool and that’s been a challenge. I’m struggling to find ways to actually get this to happen!

Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/Thick-Candidate-2443
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