Moving away from Odoo, please help!

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Hello everyone,

I've been using Odoo at my organization for over two years, and we've hit a point where it’s more of a hindrance than a help. We constantly face issues: salespeople dislike the interface, and development is a nightmare due to poor documentation, forcing developers to read the source code of modules, which slows down production.

We're considering switching to something like Salesforce, but I'm unsure if it’s the best option. Price isn’t the issue; it's more about whether the features we need are offered. Here are the key features we’re looking for:

  1. Commission Calculations: We need to handle commission calculations based on certain fixed percentages, which sometimes change depending on the products sold.
  2. Multiple Payment Providers: Our sales team sometimes sells products for a partner, and in Odoo, it was impossible to use more than one provider. We couldn't add more than one to switch between, and we couldn't use two at the same time for a single order with mixed products.
  3. Reporting: Reporting in Odoo is painful and slow. We had trouble finding customers who recently purchased for a given salesperson, and setting up a sales leaderboard was difficult. Creating other reports without exporting data to something like Sheets was also challenging.

These are the major pain points. Everything else worked reasonably well: purchase orders and inventory were fine (though integrating services like ShipStation was difficult), but Odoo definitely had its drawbacks.

I’m curious if anyone has recommendations for a CRM and possibly an ERP solution that can address these issues.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ScorchingMario
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