HoneyBook question

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I’ve been using HoneyBook for about one year now. I originally picked it because of the ease of use but, as business ramps up, I’m finding HoneyBook is not offering very basic things. (And I could be missing something, so point it out if I am).

In a nutshell, my company offers three services at varying price points with a few add-ons. After the client purchases their package, they’ll fill out a form to give me more info on the project. I’ll forward that form to my associates and they’ll complete work on the project. I use Zapier currently to export basic HoneyBook project info like the clients name, email, project date, etc. into my database but my issue is- I’m not able to automatically export the services purchased OR any of the answers on the form to any sort of spreadsheet/database/project management tool. I have to enter this info manually.

This wouldn’t be an issue if it didn’t take 8 clicks to get to the services purchased page and 3 more clicks to get into the clients form. Details also change so I end up having to go through this multiple times and things are beginning to pile up.

I know HoneyBook offers its own project management tool where I can invite employees into each project but it’s even clunkier than my zaps. Also, once someone enters a project most everything is visible to them (I want to keep invoicing separate from my associate contractors). Also, I don’t want to have to educate my associate contractors on HoneyBook- I’d rather they just be able to use their email, calendar and/or a spread sheet. Lastly, there are some really cool project management tools out there that’ll make my life easier that I’d like to use.

Have any HoneyBook users come up with a solution to this- Help me out pls!

submitted by /u/tacosaladparty
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