Best CRM to service real estate agents

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Currently building a business where we offer all of the following to real estate agents:

  • Transaction management
  • Listing coordination
  • Marketing
  • VA/OBM hiring/training/matching to real estate agents
  • Retainer ops management
  • Transaction management software builds

With the wide range of services offered, we want the flexibility to create various packages. Also need the compatibility to create proposals, contracts, invoices, questionnaires, etc.

Need automated workflow capabilities. Project management, sales tracking, & lead analytics would be great.

To currently do this, I’m considering Dubsado for client management and ClickUp for project management, using Zapier to link the two.

But I was curious, is there 1, semi affordable (less than couple hundred per seat) tool that does all of this?

submitted by /u/jellybbeangirl
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