Looking for a CRM that meets my requirments, need your advice!

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Hey, im building a data engeniering business with a few friends and since the front end is on me im searching for a good CRM that fullfills our needs.
Im looking for a User dashboard / client portal with the following features:
– Products / Orders Page
– Event calendar page
– Invoice and payment information page
– Support / Contact page
Customer Portal access after purchasing
Chart visualization (chart creation from json file would be optimal)
Custom domain (or wordpress integration)
Custom Login Page
Custom User / Company profile
Full dashboard customization

I have used SuiteDash so far but the UI seemed unnecessarily complex, I dont wanna invest the time learning to use the platform before having made my final decision and having heard some advice.

Im aware that some of these features can be done by using Integrations, APIs or Webhooks but a CRM that provides most or all of these features would obviously be better due to saving time on my part.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Oskarcss
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