CRM for pipeline only

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We are a small healthcare practice and I'm trying to get a better handle on which clinicians are losing clients and why.

We have initial consultations (free) and then actual service provision (paid).

The client books an initial consultation, sees the intake coordinator, determines if they want services

I'd like to have a CRM that lets me:

  1. Put in client unique ID
  2. Put in the state the client lives in
  3. Put in the date the client booked the initial consultation
  4. Put in the type of initial consultation booked
  5. Put in the date of the initial consultation with the client
  6. Put in the name of the intake coordinator the initial consultation is held with
  7. Put in whether the client showed up
  8. Put in whether the client converted and wants services
  9. Put in the name of the clinician who the client is assigned to
  10. Put in the date of the contact from clinician to client
  11. Put in the method of contact (phone vs email)
  12. Put in the date of the first service by the clinician
  13. Put in the date of the last service by the clinician
  14. Put in the reason for service ending

I'd like the CRM to show me information on:

  • The relationship between the client booking date and consultation date (time between) and how it impacts whether the client shows up for the consultation
  • The relationship between the state the client is in and whether they convert and want services after the initial consultation
  • The relationship between the intake coordinator and whether the clients want services (intake coordinator A converts 60% of initial consultations to clients who want services, intake coordinator B converts 40% of initial consultations to clients who want services, etc.)
  • The percentage of clients that end up attending a first service by a clinician, by clinician (clinician A has 80% attendance rate for first service visit, clinician B has a 60% rate, etc.)
  • The relationship between how soon a clinician makes the first contact after the date of the initial consultation and the percentage of clients who show up for first service date with the clinician
  • The percentage rate of shows for first service by contact type (email vs phone)
  • The average length of time of service by clinician, both absolute and comparatively between them
  • All of this also broken down and contrasted by type of initial consultation booked

What would a simple, cheap (or free) CRM be that can handle this?

I am thinking Zoho Bigin since we are using Zoho already for work.

It would start with just one user, but eventually would need to be accessible by other admin staff.


submitted by /u/YourAuthenticVoice
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