{Do you know } Unable to create custom field on System Entity {Site} on Dynamics 365 Sales

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Hello Everyone,
Today i am going to share my experience with the error message:

“The referencing entity of a relationship must have the CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship managed property set to true”

So there is  a requirement to create a relationship between “SITE” AND “COUNTRY” TABLE in Dynamics 365 Sales Model Driven App.
When i went ahead and try to create a custom lookup field “country” on “SITE” table 
Error: “The referencing entity of a relationship must have the CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship managed property set to true”

Unable to create custom field on site table because of restriction imposed by Microsoft by design.
Here is the fully customizable tables and customizable entities properties: Here 
So the Site Table has restriction on “CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship” managed property to False.

 So in my case i am trying to create N-1 relationship between SITE and COUNTRY, which is not possible for my requirement. 
I thought i can use Site as a location and create relationship between country and site(location) which is not possible. so i will create a custom table for location and then create a relationship.
EntityMetadata properties that control customizations: refer to below screenshot:
Hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)