How AI-Powered Marketing is Accelerating Digital Transformation for Enterprises

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Why? Because digital transformation through powerful processes such as big data, AI-powered marketing empowers enterprises to overcome productivity bottlenecks, incorporate marketing and sales intelligence, streamline crucial operations, and become future-ready. 

In a highly competitive business landscape, the survival and growth of every enterprise depends on how fast it adopts and drives value out of disruptive digital technologies. And innovative B2B sales and marketing platforms and tools leveraging AI and data analytics can empower enterprises to achieve that with agility. 

Maximizing Value with AI-powered Marketing  

It’s high time that marketing professionals make the most of their marketing infrastructures through AI, big data, and other advanced technologies. Should marketers fail to plan for the future, they will have to pay the debt of being stuck with antediluvian and ineffective infrastructures. To stay relevant and succeed in the rapidly changing digital landscape, alignment and innovation across marketing infrastructure are crucial.    

Here’s how incorporating AI across B2B sales and marketing platforms and infrastructures can empower marketers to cut costs, increase prospect engagement, drive higher ROI, and stay ahead of the curve:  

Automating Prospect-related Research  

The two big challenges to engaging buyers and closing more deals are understanding prospects’ mindsets and keeping pace with their highly dynamic needs. Both of these require marketers to do hundreds of hours of excellent prospect-related research. 

However, by leveraging AI in B2B marketing, marketers can automate long research cycles and focus their energies on innovating prospect engagement strategies.  

Understanding Prospects’ Mindsets 

One of the ways marketers can achieve that is through highly accurate personality-related insights. AI combined with neuroscience can enable marketers to identify specific personality types of prospects, their thinking patterns, and buying behaviors.  

A powerful AI tool or platform such as xiQ can also provide recommendations on the kind of campaigns that marketers should run and the kind of language they should use to sell to a specific prospect. For example, xiQ recommends that a prospect with a dominant personality would prefer very crisp, precise reads, whereas a prospect with an influencing might prefer expressive language. 

Understanding Prospects’ Needs 

AI can be highly useful in understanding prospects’ specific needs and preferences in real-time. By analyzing the publicly available digital footprint of a prospect through a smart AI algorithm, marketers can know about the prospects’ keywords and topics of interest. 

This intent data can enable marketers to personalize their messaging and campaigns according to each prospect’s specific keywords and topics of interest and achieve unprecedented engagement. This automation, in turn, improves operational efficiency for marketers and allows them to focus on innovation.  

Fast-Tracking Content Production  

The secret to winning more deals is to influence your prospects earlier in their decision-making process without them even realizing it. This means marketing people must nurture prospects with educational and value-added content while maintaining a consistent frequency of cadence.  

However, relevant and personalized content production can be time-consuming, research-intensive, and costly for enterprises. AI can empower marketers to raise their content production and curation game. 

Through a powerful AI algorithm, marketers can access each prospect’s specific intent data and leverage it to create highly relevant thought pieces and digests. They can also search for real-time news through an AI tool and combine it with their own collateral to build engagement and trust with buyers.  

Tracking Performance through Big Data 

Tracking campaign performance is crucial for their timely optimization, improved effectiveness, and getting desired engagement. However, accessing campaign analytics in real-time can be challenging for marketers using legacy analytics.  

Big data can revamp tracking engagement and performance for marketers. It can offer lead and content scoring so that marketers can easily qualify and prioritize leads. Moreover, intent data related to each prospect can empower marketers to personalize campaigns in real-time and make timely decisions related to both prospects and content. 

Big data equips B2B enterprises with the necessary tools to adapt seamlessly to new trends and avoid getting blindsided on prospect dynamic needs and preferences.    


Enterprises need to realize that AI is crucial to building resilient and adaptable infrastructures that are more Enterprises need to realize that AI is crucial to building resilient and adaptable infrastructures that are more responsive to rapidly evolving industry and prospect needs. Timely and smart investment in AI-powered marketing tools can go a long way to ensure seamless prospect journeys, digital prowess, and higher ROI.    

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