A new experience for Subject Management is now available in Dynamics 365 CRM

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In the previous blog, we explored the new subject control i.e. Selection TreeView Control introduced on the subject table. In this blog, we are going to explore the enhanced Subject Management page with some additional settings available on the table that makes it easier for users to manage Subjects in the subject tree.

How does it look now?

Subject Management

You can navigate back to the Old Subject management page also by clicking the link to “Open old subject management page” present in the right bottom corner of the page as shown below:

Subject Management

Note: If you again want to navigate to the new subject management page, you will need to click on the Subject table from the sitemap.

Let’s explore the additional features/settings available in the enhanced version!

1. Visibility (featuremask):

While creating a subject, you can now select the visibility of the respective subject to users in the subject tree. Set the toggle to ‘Yes’ if you want the subject to be available to users on the entity form for selection or vice versa.

Subject Management

If you set the toggle to No, then beside the subject name “Hidden” icon will get displayed and the user will not be able to see the “Pricing” subject on the entity form.

Subject Management

Subject Management

Similarly, you can apply visibility settings on Child Subjects as well:

Subject Management

Subject Management

2. Show hidden subjects in the subject tree below:

You can decide whether you want to Show/Hide the hidden subjects in the subject tree that is displayed on the subject management page:

If you set it to ‘Show’, all the subjects including hidden subjects will get displayed as shown below:

Subject Management

And if it is set to ‘Hide’, then only subjects for which visibility is set to ‘Yes’ will get displayed.

Subject Management

3. Users can only select subjects without children in the subject tree:

If you want to allow users to be able to select specific subjects only then you can turn on the “Users can only select subjects without children in the subject tree” setting as shown below:

Subject Management

Once you enable this setting, users will only be able to select the subjects that don’t have child subjects. For example, if below are the current subject tree then the user will be able to select all the subjects except Query and Service as those are Parent subjects.

Subject Management

Subject Management

Note: If the Parent subject is having child subject but the visibility of those subjects is set to ‘No’ then in that case also user will not be able to select the Parent subject on the entity form if the “Users can only select subjects without children in the subject tree” setting is enabled.

4. Search Subject:

Instead of manually looking for the required subject in the Subject tree, using the Search box you can now easily find the subject by name. The searched subject will get highlighted and you can perform the required action on the same like Add, Edit or Delete.

Subject Management


By using this new experience in the subject hierarchy, the user will now be able to quickly select & classify the service cases to provide service to the customers.
