Recommendations for Small Cleaning Biz

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Hello everyone,

My wife and I own a small residential and commercial cleaning business with less than five employees at the moment.

As business is beginning to pick up, I feel like we need a crm to help us stay organized and grow.

What I think we need is a crm and field service management software that will help us with 1) Giving Estimates to potential clients, 2) schedule new & recurring clients, 3) offer mobile app to our employees to log completed jobs, miles, see new schedules/assignments, 4) allows us to invoice (preferably automate payments for recurring customers), 5) is $100 or less per month if possible.

I realize a crm platform & field management software are two different products. But I was hoping there is a service out there that offers both in a central location. Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/MarkerMagicFiend21
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