{Power 2021} Tips for Model driven form design

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In today’s blog I will be covering some generic recommendations one should follow while designing Model driven forms.


Ø Review the fields on the form regularly

§ It happens across many CRM deployments over time that certain fields are removed due to business need or are no more relevant to a particular department (Role based forms). Please make sure to remove such unused fields from the form. The lesser the fields, the better the performance as lesser data needs to be transferred over the internet or intranet.

Ø Create different forms for different kinds of departments/ teams/ groups

§ Identify different departments or groupings of individuals in the organization

§ Track the fields that are more relevant to a grouping and consider creating different role based forms.

§ The approach will simplify the usage of form based on relevance to different users and also segregate security requirements.

Ø Avoid unsupported scripting

§ Anything that is not mentioned in Microsoft Docs will be considered an unsupported script. It might be an internal namespace library from Microsoft you are using or DOM manipulation.

§ Try to explain to the customer workarounds to use supported ways of using the form to achieve the requirement.

Ø Mobility considerations

§ If you have needs to use Mobile version of the D365 form, make sure you do proper previews while designing the form to get an idea of how it will appear in D365 Mobile App.

Ø Other Scripting considerations

§ Try to limit onload event handlers, this has a big impact on form load.

§ Use collapsed tabs wherever possible, for example in the case of web resource(html) inside the tab.

§ In case you need to show certain fields based on conditions, keep them initially hidden and then use script to enable them when condition is true.

§ Wherever possible use asynchronous requests instead of synchronous requests.

Ø Usage of sub-grids

§ Not all the sub-grids or related entity data needs to be visible at all times.

§ Try to use and recommend Related tab and Associated grids to the customer wherever related data is needed to be seen which is less frequent to be accessed.

Hope it helps and Power 365ing as usual!

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