Missing Form Editor through command bar in Microsoft Dynamics 365

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As a Dynamics 365 CE customizer, I frequently need to work with forms. Now, to create or edit forms, we use a Form editor. This form editor can be accessed from the default solution or an unmanaged solution or command bar.

  • Access form editor through default solution:

To access it from the Default Solution, you need to go to Settings/Advanced Settings ???? Customizations and then customize the System to open the Default Solution. Under components expand the entity which the form belongs to and click Forms. You will see a list of forms, out of those select the form which you want to edit.

Missing Form Editor through command bar in Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • Access form editor through an unmanaged solution:

To access through the unmanaged solution, you need to go to settings/Advanced Settings ???? Customizations and then select Solutions and open the solution that you want to work. Find the entity in the solution or add the entity in which the form belongs to the solution. Expand the entity and click on forms that will show you a list of forms added to that particular solution. In case if you don’t find the form add it using the button add subcomponents and select the forms tab and select the form you want to edit.

Missing Form Editor through command bar in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

  • Access form editor through Command bar/ Ribbon (not for UI):

To access form editor through the command bar or ribbon, Open record and from the command bar select form top open form editor. Make sure you are on the right form because this option will edit the form which you currently opened.

Missing Form Editor through command bar in D365

Missing Form Button in UI

Missing Form Editor through command bar in msdyn365

Out of these three options, the easiest way to edit the main forms is by accessing the form editor from the Command bar.

In my experience, the form editor using the command bar is very handy and I use it very often until I started using Unified interface apps. Even though there are so many pros to a Unified Interface, I guess the main disadvantage is that it takes away the option for accessing the Form from the command bar. I wish Microsoft will add this feature soon.

Let me know what you think about this feature. For transitioning from archaic systems to advanced technology like Microsoft Dynamics 365, do connect with us.

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