Using Data Spawner component (SSIS) to generate sample data in Dynamics 365

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At times we need to generate sample data for our entities in Dynamics 365 for various reasons, performance testing is one of them.

Data Spawner component which is part of KingswaySoft’s
SSIS Productivity Pack provides us the most efficient way of doing so.

Download the component here –

Let us generate the sample data for Contact Entity.

Add the Data Spawner component to the Data Flow along with the CDS Destination component in the integration service project.

Double click the Data Spawner to open the editor.

Click on Add + button to specify the columns, here we have specified four different columns.

We have kept the name for each of the columns, same as the schema name so that it is easy to map them in CDS Destination.

For the First Name column, we have specified Data Type as nvarchar and Spawn Type as the First Name, which will generate the string similar to first name value.

In Gender property for the First Name column, we can specify either to generate Male or Female first name.

Random will generate both Male and Female first name.

For the email address field, we have selected Spawn Type as email (personal), the other option is email (business).

For our option set field preferred contact method, we have selected data type as an integer and Spawn Type as Custom, which will allow us to specify the list of available values, which is 1 to 5 in our case.

We have specified the total number of records to be generated as 100000.

Lastly, we have set the output of Data Spawner to the CDS Destination component. (use the Map Unmapped fields to auto map the fields as we have set the column name same as the schema name of the attributes)

Execute the package

We can see our sample contact records start getting created.

Read more about Data

Here are few other articles on SSIS (KingswaySoft)

Hope it helps..