Looking for a CRM, CDP or any software to help my expanding business

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I have delved into CRMs and I find that they don't serve my business in a way I want it to. I have tried Salesforce… and a few others.

My business is all on google sheets and a few other platforms.

What I'm looking for is a platform that can "house" most of my business' data and functions in one place.

Some of the things, I would like it to do is: 1) Directly send emails from the platform (integrate with gmail and sync emails within the platform) 2) To store branded template emails 3) To customise a customer profile to how I need it. For example… I need to be able to have a calendar for each customer for appointments and add comments etc… / different bits of info depending on the type of customer etc… 4) To automatically sync incoming calls and create a call log for every customer… so I know when and how long each call is. (This would be attached to the customer profile and i would like it to have a previous calls column / section.) 5) To be able to run my business on my phone… so like an app version of the platform. 6) I want to be able to integrate third party data like Stripe, Paypal & Worldpay data in one place… sales info displayed 7) To have a section for customer enquiries and for all the places where a customer can contact us stored all in one place like FB page, webchat, email form on site, email and phone etc…

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!

submitted by /u/LucSharman
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