CRM for one-man digital agency

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I am a web developer and am looking to use this COVID-19 downtime to get some better systems in place for when things pick up again. Using only Gmail for everything is just getting to become to much to effectively maintain.

I think I want/need a CRM and am having a difficult time deciding what would be best.

What i'd like – Customer/Lead management that works with Gmail/Gsuite – Task Management – Mass emailing – Live Chat for website – Facebook messenger integration – Currently handle all my billing through Waveapps – Maybe something that can work with that or have a similar built-in functionality

Pricepoint – >$50/mo

Looked at Hubspot, their live chat turns me off in that there is not much function beyond chatting. Cant track users on the site or any other metrics. Also so much extra stuff is packed in there that I wont use and cant seem to hide?

SuiteCRM modules to get things to work together seems costly.

Zoho seemed like it had too many features and is confusing to work with if youre not super familiar with the platform.

I ran into AmoCRM. Looks great actually, but there are virtually no reviews i can find in English.

What do you all recommend?

submitted by /u/sdville
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