Is It Time to Replace Your ERP?

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For businesses of all types and sizes, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions are a game changer. When you implemented your ERP, no doubt, you were astounded at how many tools and benefits it brought to your organization. Your business processes became automated; your data became accessible; everything was faster, more efficient, and more accurate.

But if you implemented your ERP several years ago, or if your business has gone in a different direction, it may be time to replace your ERP with an updated model.

Because ERP is so important to every aspect of your organization, and because it represents a sizeable investment, whether or not to upgrade or invest in a new system is a weighty decision. So how can you determine when and if it’s time to replace your ERP? Here are some things to consider:


From product planning to purchasing to supply chain strategy, if your ERP isn’t performing the way it should, every aspect of your business will be affected. To be worthwhile, your ERP must support your current business processes. If it lacks the functionality you need, it is difficult to use, or response time is too slow, it will affect the ability of your employees to get their jobs done. Having to work around the limitations of an outdated ERP system is costing your business time and valuable resources.


A new ERP can be costly, but you should consider the hidden costs of operating an outdated ERP system. If your IT department is constantly trouble-shooting problems or trying to find ways to get your ERP to coordinate with your other office systems, you’re wasting money that could go toward a more efficient and cost-effective solution.


Today’s ERP tools such as BI (Business intelligence), AI (artificial intelligence), analytics and truly useful dashboards can provide your executives with the real-time data they need to make informed decisions about daily operations as well as how to reach future company goals. Not only should your ERP have these tools, but they should also be easy to use.

ASC Partners has put together a guide: When Is It Time to Replace Your ERP System?
In addition to an in-depth discussion of the warning signs that it’s time to consider a new ERP, the guide also outlines some of the major benefits of modern ERP solutions and how they can take your business to the next level.

Make an informed decision

When considering replacing your ERP software, the only thing more dangerous than inaction is hasty and uninformed action. Start looking at new options before you need to make a move, know what questions to ask, and be ready for common challenges that come when deciding to replace something as mission critical as your ERP solution.

Don’t let inefficient business technology undermine your success. Download the free guide: When Is It Time to Replace Your ERP System?

If you’re ready to discuss the benefits of a new ERP solution, contact our ERP experts at ASC Partners

By ASC Partners,