{Issue Resolution}The date/time format is not valid, or the value is outside the supported range in Dynamics CRM data import

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Recently I have been involved in analysing data migration analysis from a third party CRM system into our great product – Dynamics CRM.

Let me add a quick one liner for a good practice as well!

I really appreciate the efforts from the client as they understood the need of doing a Data migration analysis, as in such projects that is one of the main pillars for Success of the project.


Well, coming back to the issue at hand here. Client wanted to import Created on Date as well for historical references. CRM import wizard started throwing following weird error on the imports:

The date/time format is not valid, or the value is outside the supported range

Issue resolution is quite simple:

Select the date/time column in Excel and then right click and choose “Format Cells” and choose one of the relevant category format i.e: Date and choose the format that relates to the date time format of the system, then save and try to import again

Please note: Correct format is very important, so be careful English(UK) is different from English(US) for instance.

Hope it helps and Happy CRMing as usual!

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