Churn Rate

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Im not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I am a Partner at Pipedrive a CRM Company; Im guessing thier is other CRM Partners here who can relate who are in this group; I have a churn rate for customers who just have a few seats who a cost between 60 to 300 USD a month that always seem to churn in a 3 month period or less. It looks bad as a Partner and I need to improve upon it. The thing is usually these customers are very tight on budget and dont want to pay for consults or the work to get the most out of thier CRM, so how can I stop them from churning without giving away too much of my time. I know the answer is not to focus on the small guys, but the money adds up and it looks bad when my partner manager reviews my profile losing over 1k in MRR in a month for example. Any Tips or ideas?

submitted by /u/Candid_Art4277
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