Power Automate Flow: Trigger Conditions

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Power Automate provides some incredibly powerful capabilities around business process automation, especially within the context of Dynamics 365 and the Dataverse. From automating simple tasks such as automatically generating subfolders whenever a parent folder is created to tasks requiring complex conditional logic, Power Automate flows can handle the brunt of your automated business processes and so much more.

There are times, however, when a flow runs multiple times when it shouldn’t. A great example of this is a flow that, at some point in its steps, triggers itself. Say you want a flow to run whenever a Task within the Dataverse is created. If that Task does not have a Due Date, you want the flow to cancel the Task and create a new Task record with a Due Date of utcNow(). Assuming all of the logic in the flow is correct (including a condition that checks to see whether or not the Due Date field contains data), when a Task is created without a Due Date, the flow will run and succeed as expected. But the flow will run again immediately after the first run, because a Task was created by the first run.


To prevent this from happening, we can use Power Automate’s built in Trigger Conditions feature.  This can be accessed by clicking the horizontal ellipsis on the trigger step, then clicking Settings. (continue reading on www.beringer.net)



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