How to run PCF Control in Multilanguage using .resx (resource) files

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In this blog, we will see how to run PCF Control in multiple languages. Let’s consider a scenario where we have one PCF field control, which contains some user interface part which we currently display in only one language i.e English. Now, we want to display PCF control UI part in more than one language such as French and English which is also supported by Dynamics 365 CRM, so that the PFC control will load as per logged in user language.


Step 1: For this scenario, we are using .resx (resource) files, wherein we maintain XML entries for all languages as shown below. For each language, we have created individual resource files. Please find below sample code of resource file:

1. English:

 <data name="agelbl" xml:space="preserve">  <value>Age</value> </data> <data name="agetbplaceholder" xml:space="preserve">  <value>Enter the age here</value> </data>

2. French:

 <data name="agelbl" xml:space="preserve">  <value>Âge</value> </data> <data name="agetbplaceholder" xml:space="preserve">  <value>Entrez l'âge ici</value> </data>

Note : All resource files name should be in the following format : [PCF_ControlName].[Language_Code].resx where Language_Code is dynamic 365 logged language code for example ([].1036.resx).

Step 2: Add all languages files into PCF control project and add resources reference of each .resx in  ControlMainfest.Input.xml file as shown in below code:

 <resources>  <code  path="index.ts" order="1"/>  <resx path="/[PCF_ControlName].1033.resx" version="1.0.0" />  <resx path=" /[PCF_ControlName].1036.resx" version="1.0.0" /> </resources>

Step 3: Access languages data of resource files using PCF control context as shown in below code:

 public init(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, notifyOutputChanged: () => void, state: ComponentFramework.Dictionary, container: HTMLDivElement) {  let functionName: string = "init";  this._contextObj = context;  this._container = container;  try {  //Create div  this._mainContainer = document.createElement('div');  //label input  this._label = document.createElement("label");  this._label.innerText = context.resources.getString("agelbl");  this._label.setAttribute("id", "ageTB");    //text imput  this._input = document.createElement("input");  this._input.placeholder = context.resources.getString("agetbplaceholder");  this._input.setAttribute("type", "text");  this._input.setAttribute("id", "ageTB");  this._input.setAttribute("class", "form-control");    //add all html components in dic container  this._mainContainer.appendChild(this._label);   this._mainContainer.appendChild(this._input);    //append div to PCF container  this._container.appendChild(this._mainContainer);  } catch (error) {  let alertStrings = { text: error.message };  let alertOptions = { height: 100, width: 200 };  this._ contextObj.navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, alertOptions);  }  }

In the above code, we find one of the default functions of PCF control and in that function we try to append some HTML elements to default HTMLDivElement of PCF control i.e container. HTML part contains one label and input type Html element and we can see label text and place holder of input element we retrieve from context.resources.getString() function. With the help of this function, we can read the language data from .resx (resource) files. We need to pass XML_Tag_Name which will retrieve text from resource files with respect to their XML tag name. Also, language data always read on the basis of current logged in user of selected language code (for eg. 1033, 1036) of Dynamic 365 CRM.

In our example we use context.resources.getString(“agelbl”) & context.resources.getString(“agetbplaceholder”) , it will retrieve the result as follows:

1. If logged in user have English language as selected then result will be retrieved language data from [PCF_ControlName].1033.resx and further it will be filtered by XML tag name i.e “agelbl” and “agetbplaceholder”.

PCF Control in multiple languages

2. If logged in user have Frech language as selected then result will be retrieved language data from [PCF_ControlName].1036.resx and further it will be filtered by XML tag name i.e “agelbl” and “agetbplaceholder”.

PCF Control in multiple languages


In this way, if you want to run our PCF control in more than one language then we can use resource file and access language data from that file using ComponentFramework.Context.getString([XML_Tag_Name]). We just need to create a language tag for the text which we want to display in different languages and add into resource files.