.NET Core CDS SDK Alpha Availability

User Review
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Colin Vermander

At long last a version of the CDS SDK is available with .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1 as target frameworks! This release marks a lot of significant change as well with the SDK to align with how CDS and Dynamics are marketed and sold. Gone are the days of XRM and CRM, welcome to the SDK aligning now with Power Platform and CDS.

The Warnings

  • This is an ALPHA release
  • Use at your own risk
  • There is no support
  • Namespace/class names may and will change through releases
  • Only OAuth, Certificate, Client Secret authentication types (for .NET Core)
  • Do not use this in production

The Packages

Effectively the Xrm Tooling library but instead of CrmServiceClient it is CdsServiceClient in a new namespace. Removes items that are specific to Dynamics 1st party apps, only contains items for “CDS naked”, i.e. no Dynamics 1st party like lead messages, case messages, etc.


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